PC Military continued
Since our illustrious leaders have managed , by accident or intent , to erode virtually all respect once held for the official institutions of our government including but not limited to the executive...
View ArticleSalvaging The Costa Concordia
How They’ll Salvage the Costa Concordia ” More than a year after the Costa Concordia ran aground off the Italian coast, the ship remains where it wrecked. More than 400 workers are...
View ArticleUs Navy Launches the USS Barack H. Obama
The USS Barack H Obama ” The ship is the first of its kind in the U.S. Navy and is a standing legacy to President Barack Obama for his foresight in military budget cuts and his conduct while...
View ArticleDawn Of The Remote-Controlled Ship
Massive Crewless Vessels Could Soon Set Sail To Save Money And Improve Safety At Sea ” You might think remote-controlled ships are the preserve of toy companies, but huge crewless versions could...
View ArticlePC Military continued
Since our illustrious leaders have managed , by accident or intent , to erode virtually all respect once held for the official institutions of our government including but not limited to the executive...
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